Thursday, September 20, 2007


I have learned a great deal about blogging. Initially when I started this project I thought of blogs as a means to communicate with your friends or post your own ideas, somewhat like a journal. I still see its use as a journal of sorts, but now I can see the value of utilizing it in education. Blogging may be used as a means to communicate with my colleagues and further develop our professional abilities. It could be used by our department to store valuable articles or ideas about the field. Blogging is also great for the students and enhances the learning process by making it more interactive and meaningful. Students could create their own blog, construct a blog on a topic with classmates, or blog with people from all over the world. The opportunities are endless.

Through creating my blog I can also see how much more there is to learn. I thought after the first day that was all there was to do. Then on the second class we learned about all of the different features that enhance one's blog. These features made my blog so much more interesting. I never would have found all of that information if I had not dug deeper and played with the technology. I imagine there is so much more to discover.

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